Готовые проекты After Effects

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Our Wedding Film Strips Memories V2 - Project for After Effects (RevoStock)
07.09.2014, 10:26

Our Wedding Film Strips Memories V2 - Project for After Effects (RevoStock)
After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920x1080 | mov | 199 Mb



Another film strips wedding montage masterpiece! Elegant, colorful, and one of a kind. In this project, you can insert up to 21 photos/video footage, and 2 text titles. This comes with stunning animated flourishes, butterflies, flares, colorful flowers, and spectacular film strips. This can be used for commercials, weddings, anniversaries, and love stories. Everything is editable on this project, and no plug-ins need it. This comes with pre-comps so that you can easily add, customize your photos, video footage, and text. To add your photo and text, just click on the two folders called Add All Video/Photos Here, and Add Your Text Here---it's that easy. 1920x1080 Music and Footage are NOT INCLUDED.


This product is an Adobe After Effects project file. It requires Adobe After Effects version CS4 or higher. No Plug-Ins required.

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Категория: After Effects Project Revostock | Добавил: masterpp | Теги: wedding, Effects, for, Project, strips, after, our, v2, Film, Memories
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